Shining With Versatility

With the Droplet Microarray, we enable yet with standard microplates unaffordable screening of precious, expensive and limited cells and / or compounds or even unified on-chip synthesis, characterization and biological screening.

Our offer for you are flexible and customized formats, coatings and functionalized surfaces to best meet your needs.

Cell-based Screenings

Cell-based screenings are widely used in pharma, biotechnology and cosmetic industry as well as in basic and translational research. The DMA-platform offers a perfect solution for performing fast, affordable and reliable high-throughput screenings in nanoliter volumes.

The DMA chips can be used for screening of chemical compound libraries (e.g. approved drugs or novel chemical entities), as well as transfection mixtures (e.g. CRISPR-Cas or RNAi libraries) on different cell types, including immortalized adherent and suspension cell lines, primary and stem cells in both 2D and 3D cell culture models.

(image: MDA-MB-231 cells after 48 h on DMA-Slide G-np-102)

Drug Sensitivity And Resistance Tests In Personalized Medicine

The field of precision medicine is rapidly developing area, where the personalized treatment of a patient is facilitated through the analysisis of individual markers and sensitivities. Ex vivo testing of patient cancer cells with clinically relevant panel of drugs, so called Drug Sensitivity And Resistance Test (DSRT), is an important method for empirical identification of suitable therapy for cancer patients.

The main limitation of this test is limited amount of patient material, which is often not sufficient for performing DSRT in microtiter plates. The DMA platform offers a solution for screening of minute amount of cells in miniaturized format, at the same time allowing for more drugs and combinations to be tested on a single patient biopsy.


MALDI-MS-based Readout

This readout is used on high-density Droplet Microarrays (DMA) facilitating next generation on-chip drug discovery.

On-chip characterization of newly synthesized compounds is particularly critical, since most existing analytical techniques are incompatible with synthesis platforms operating at low volume and concentration and a high level of parallelization. DMAs are compatible with MALDI-MS readout, which allows highly sensitive and fast characterization and detection of compounds down to attomole range.